The Board of Directors proposes to the General Shareholders Meeting the appointment of an external auditor, based on the recommendation of the Audit Committee. The selection and appointment of the External Auditor is performed in compliance with a Corporate Policy approved by the Board of Directors.
At the general assembly meeting of March 30, 2021 and based on the recommendation of the Board of Directors, the shareholders have resolved upon the appointment of KPMG as Nebras Power’s external auditors for year 2021, and approved their annual audit fees of QR 300,000.
No company other than KPMG and its affiliates has provided external audit services to Nebras Power in relation to the year 2021. In addition to fees for audit work, KPMG and/or its affiliates were paid QR 12,740 for assurance, consulting and advisory services.
The provision of assurance, consulting and advisory services by the external auditor is subject to the review and approval by the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors to check that independence and objectivity are not impaired.