Paiton Energy

Equity stake owned by Nebras Power
2046 MWOther Partners:
Mitsui & Co
PT Medco Daya Energi Sentosa
Paiton Energy - Indonesia
- Paiton Energy is one of the largest independent power producers (“IPP”) in Indonesia; with 2,046.2 MW of coal fired power generating capacity (representing c.4% of installed capacity in Indonesia), and c.13,500 GWh of annual power output.
- Paiton Energy operates three power generating units (P7, P8 and P3) at the Paiton Power Complex in East Java.
- P7 and P8 commenced commercial operations in 1999 and P3 in 2012.
- All electricity produced and the capacity made available by Paiton is purchased by PLN under a long-term Power Purchase Agreement (“PPA”) until 2042.
- The plants are operated and maintained by Paiton Operation & Maintenance Indonesia (“POMI”).