Page 17 - Corporate Brochure final October 18 2021
P. 17

Our Shareholder

 Qatar Investment

 Authority            Qatar Investment Authority is the sovereign wealth fund of   Vision: QIA is recognized as a world-class investment
                                                                          institution, and the preferred partner of choice for investors,
                      the State of Qatar.
                                                                          ʼnQDQFLHUV DQG RWKHU VWDNHKROGHUV
                      QIA was founded in 2005 to strengthen the country’s
                      economy by diversifying into new asset classes. Building   Culture
                      on the heritage of Qatar investments dating back more   QIA is driven by values and principles. QIA values its
                      than three decades, QIA’s growing portfolio of long-term   reputation of excellence and integrity.
                      investments help complement the State of Qatar’s wealth in
                      natural resources.                                  Values
                                                                          Professional and Ethical Standards to which the Authority
                      QIA supports the goals of the Qatar National Vision 2030,   adheres.
                      which seeks to create a stable, prosperous future for
                      generations to come. The Sovereign wealth fund looks   QIA’s governing ERGLHV  FRUSRUDWH RIʼnFHUV DQG HPSOR\HHV DUH
                      beyond short-term turbulence and market trends focusing on   required to behave and operate following 5 guiding values:
                      the fundamental issues of sustainable value and growth.
                                                                          •  Integrity: To apply the highest ethical, moral and
                      QIA’s stakeholders and employees – from all around the   professional standards of conduct in each of their
                      world - operate with absolute commitment and apply the   undertakings
                      KLJKHVW ʼnQDQFLDO VWDQGDUGV DQG LQYHVWPHQW SULQFLSOHV  4,$   • Mission focus: QIA has a noble mission on behalf of the
                      seeks socially, economically, and environmentally responsible   Qatari people. In executing day to-day responsibilities, QIA
                      investments and looks beyond short-term returns, as QIA   PDQDJHPHQW DQG HPSOR\HHV DUH ʼnUPO\ IRFXVHG RQ WKLV
                      pursues balanced and sustainable growth.             mission

                      QIA has built a major global portfolio that now spans a broad   • Entrepreneurialism: QIA believes in the power of
                      range of asset classes and regions. QIA has a strong track   entrepreneurialism, and it continues to encourage initiative
                      record of investing in multiple asset classes, including listed   DQG D ŊH[LEOH DSSURDFK HYHQ DV WKH RUJDQL]DWLRQ JURZV DQG
                      securities, property, alternative assets and private equity in all   institutionalizes
                      the major markets globally.
                                                                          • Excellence: QIA strives for excellence in all aspects of its
                      Mission: QIA’s mission is to invest, manage and grow Qatar’s   undertakings
                      reserves to create sustainable long-term value for the State   • Respect for people: QIA recognizes that people are its most
                      and future generations.                              valuable asset, and the organization seeks to create a
                                                                           respectful workplace free of harassment or intimidation
                      QIA supports the development of a competitive Qatari
                      developing local talent.

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