Page 15 - Corporate Brochure final October 18 2021
P. 15
Our Shareholder
Qatar Electricity
& Water Company
Qatar Electricity and Water Company is a Qatari Extraordinary General Meeting of March 6, 2019,
public joint stock company established in 1990 the nominal value of the share was changed to
in accordance with the provisions of the Qatari QR 1 instead of QR 10 per share and so the number
Commercial Companies Law, for the purpose of of shares reached one billion and one hundred
owning and managing power generation and water million. The company is managed by the Board of
desalination stations and the sale of their products. Directors consisting of eleven members headed by
His Excellency Saad Bin Sherida Al-Kaabi, Minister of
Qatar Electricity and Water Company is one of the State for Energy Affairs.
in the generation of electricity and desalination Qatar Electricity and Water Company is one of the
of water. The share capital of the company at ODUJHVW FRPSDQLHV LQ WKH ʼnHOG RI SRZHU JHQHUDWLRQ
incorporation amounted to QR 1 Billion divided and water desalination in North Africa and the Middle
into one hundred million shares of QR 10 per share. East region. QEWC is the main supplier of electricity
Based on the decision of the Extraordinary General and desalinated water in Qatar. The company
Meeting of February 25, 2014, ten million bonus has witnessed remarkable growth during the last
shares were distributed to shareholders at the rate decade in line with the steady growth of the economy
of one share for every ten shares held. With this, of Qatar and the increase in population and the
the capital of the company became QR 1.1 Billion corresponding increase in demand for electricity and
representing one hundred and ten million fully water. The total assets of the company amount to
paid shares. The Government of the State of Qatar approximately QR 18 billion and the company and
DQG LWV DIʼnOLDWHG LQVWLWXWLRQV KROG DERXW RI WKH joint ventures together have capacity of 10,590 MW of
capital and individuals and private companies holds electricity and 481.5 MIGD of Water.
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